Friday, December 28, 2012

Life Is Not A Game

After the presentation it taught me that life is not a game. I have to take responsibility for my actions. 

The life of a gang member is something people should not be in. I now know how to react to people who want me to be in a gang. I learned that people in a gang are making bad choices. These causes are medical conditions, death, and prison.

Another reason is because gangs aren't family. They are not your friends. They are people who wants you to believe, but one wrong step will get you killed. If people want to make the wrong choices and get into the life of crime and do bad things, then they are making bad decisions.

The presentation also taught me that gangs are dangerous and do not want to come between them. The life of a gang is a bad place. It could harm you, your family, and everything that maters to you will be gone if you join a gang.

After being in a gang and abandoned the life will scar you for life!

ZM  - Aiken Schools - Aiken SC

Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Presentation Was Funny, Serious, and at Times Mad me want to Cry..

I learned that gangs are very serious and they can lead to death. I also learned that there are local gangs and gang members that don't even really care about you.

Your actions can affect everyone not just you. It can affect your friends and family and others. I don't want to go to jail or hurt others.

The presentation was funny, serious, and at times made me want to cry.......

AY - Aiken Schools - Aiken SC

Saturday, December 22, 2012

MY LIFE - Past...Present...Thoughts From The Gang Presentation

I really loved +Leo Otero  talk like he said he never had is parents with him only his sisters. My mom was the same.

My mom when she was little she was always with my grandma, but my grandpa left to the United States and he never send money and but my  grandma loved my mom a lot. When my mom found my grandma was with another man, she ran away and it was sad for me.

She stayed with her aunts in Mexico and they treated her really bad - she started crying and crying. By the time she was 14 years old, she crossed the border and live in Texas and I was raise there. 

My mom started doing drugs and she was not doing good in school so she dropped out of high school and started cleaning and cooking for my uncles and aunts.

My mom is NOW HEALTHY going to church and now she has a BETTER LIFE. She told me this because all the struggle she has been and always tells me to get good grades.

I love football and I want a scholarship to go and play for the Gamecocks or another big school.

EG - Aiken Schools - Aiken SC  

Friday, December 21, 2012

Today I Learned How Gangs Can Be Very Dangerous.

Today I learned how gangs can be very dangerous.

After the assembly I learned not to join a gang. You can get killed or you can go to jail. You are expected to sell drugs if you are involved in a gang. If you don't do what your leader expects you to do you will get shot.

I also learned to not talk or take anything from people that either walk up to you and offer you something. Or if they ride by you in a car and offer you something. People think it is amazing to be in a gang. When really you could get hurt in it. Also to me, gangs mean a group of people who do things that change the world in positive or negative ways.

Everyone needs to know that gangs are bad. They expect you to do thing that you don't want to do. Or you could get killed or put in a jail or worse things could happen to you.

SH - Aiken Schools - Aiken SC

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Today I Learned About The Ways Joining A Gang Can Ruin Your Life

Today I learned about many ways joining a gang can ruin your life. I learned about identity crisis and I will not ever get involved in a gang.

I learned about things they offer you. I learned gangs recruit  in schools. I am very glad that I was here for the presentation. These people did a very good job teaching us kids about gangs. The presentation was well put together.

They were TRUE STORIES from people that lived the life of gangs.  I learned that a lot of things people think they know about gangs are FAKE!

AP - Aiken Schools - Aiken SC

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

GANGS by the numbers....

  1. Gangs are extremely violent and serious.
  2. The Identity Crisis can lead to you being a gang member.
  3. Gangs will get rid of any members that might rat them out.
  4. Kids join gangs at young ages.
  5. Gangs trick you.
  6. Gangs have leaders.
  7. Gangs are mainly drug dealers.
  8. They give kids guns.
  9. Gang members don't help others.
  10. Members of gangs just follow their leaders.
  11. Gangsters do drugs for adrenaline. 
NM - 7th grade - Aiken Schools - Aiken SC

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Gangs Will Give No Future

I learned that if you make bad decisions you  might just do something bad to yourself.

I mean think about it, if you don't pay dues, you will get killed, that if, you do something bad for them. If you fail them, you will get killed. 

They will offer and make you sell drugs. They will give you guns and other weapons. If you do something bad in the house, the whole family will go to jail.

Gangs will give you no future! Gangs are stuck up liars. They are not honorable and are not protective.

You will always lose if you are in a gang. Gangs are stupid, you will hurt people and yourself. You will start in the 6th or 7th grade and you will not stop. It's horrible, don't get tricked.  Do you want to be in prison for 145 or more years? If you want too - well good luck, you will make the news!

If you are in a gang, you will get no mercy, trust, love, life and you will get KILLED!

KA - 7th grade - Aiken Schools- Aiken SC

Monday, December 17, 2012

Gangs Are A Menace TO Society!

Gangs are a menace to society and can harm you and other people.

If you see a gang, run away until you can't see them.  Joining a gang can lead to death, putting yourself in danger, putting your friends in danger, and putting your family in danger.

Gang are serious and no joking matter!  Everybody should stay away from gangs. Everyone should feel safe and comfortable around friends and family.

Gangs are bad, they have guns, and they can push you under peer pressure!


CJ - Aiken Schools - Aiken SC

Sunday, December 16, 2012

A Gang Will Lie To Your Face To Join.....

Today I learned that gangs are life-changing.

Some are good, but the majority is bad. A gang will lie to your face to join. They'll also use you, and you will suffer bad consequences usually from peer-pressure.

Some causes are: jail, medical conditions, pain, and most of all - DEATH!

Also, it's not just you who will suffers, but also family, friends, and close-ones. 

Being in a gang is a terrible thing, and I wish everyone knew what I know now.

Sincerely, CC - 7 Grade North Augusta Middle School - Aiken SC

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Today's Presentation Was Very Moving....

Today presentation was very moving. 

I almost started crying like 5 different times. It was very informational, and great advice for the future. The Assembly kinda told me and informed me what to do and what not to do.

I know how it feels to be in situations you have been in sorta like me.  It was very moving especially about the baby and the bullet.  It was very sad, but that's how the world is and it is reality.....

SH - Middle School - Aiken SC 

Friday, December 14, 2012

I Wish There Was A Way to Get These People To Stop Doing These Crimes!

I thought it was very interesting.

It taught me a lot like - "Who to be and what not to do". It was kinda sad and yet life threatening. So many people die each day from gangs, drugs, and criminals, etc...

I wish there was a way to get these people to stop doing these crimes. So many bullies and people that I don't trust are here at North Augusta Middle School. But, I know we are protected yet, there is nothing wrong with not trusting someone. 

You guys have some really sad stories and I never want to go down that path.

Thanks you for taking time out of your schedule to do this.  Hopefully I will go down the right path.

Sincerely,  TS - North Augusta Middle School - Aiken SC

Thursday, December 13, 2012

I Thought Gangs Were Like A Family, But I Was WRONG!!

I learned  a lot from today's assembly. 

  At first, I thought gangs were like a family, but I was WRONG! Its like "Hunger Games" everyone for himself. The gangs did not give respect to the members. So they couldn't killed them without any regrets. Why join it when there is NO RESPECT.......

The story of the Mexican man (Leo Otero) was really interesting to me. He robbed jewelry store with a guy. When he drove they guy home he drove around the neighborhood. Then he got caught by the cops. He told the guy that robbed the jewelry store with him take care of his wife and children. During the time the Mexican guy was in jail his wife live with the guy that robbed the jewelry store.

That's MESS UP!

JN- Aiken Schools - Aiken SC

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

How You Impacted Me With Information about Gangs

I never really knew how bad a gang was. This presentation  was a huge eye opener for me. Especially when they talked to us about their own personal stories. It made me think that this happens everywhere and it made me more cautious about what's going on around me.

Out of all the stories you told me, I noticed that the leader of the gang depends on his followers to do everything for them. It kinda hurt me to realize that people in gangs had a harsh life before and when they get caught in a gang.

The gang is disloyal and doesn't care about the anymore. They did  so many bad things for the leader and taking bad chances and they just let them down. And the kids my age that went into gangs and then got killed or ran over for failing them.

But the guy in the funny book(gang leader mug shot) really got my attention. He(Larry Hoover) couldn't even touch a piece of paper, just a simple, harmless piece of paper.

After watching this presentation, I promised myself to never be in a gang or go near one.

Thank you so much for impacting my life and sharing the presentation with me and my friends.
I look forward to seeing you next year when I am in the 8th grade!
AY - Aiken County Schools

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I've Seen The Real Deal - Gang Discussion

I just wanted to say thank you!  Yeah, I've heard about how drugs do bad things to you body but now I've seen the REAL DEAL.

WOW! I am never even gonna to look at drugs! Hopefully I never run into a gang or a member.  I am going to tell you what I learned today.

I learned that a gang can cause misery and misery after misery.  It also has a lot of consequences especially negative ones.  I also seen how and heard that gangs don't show you respect. They are not loyal.  I hope I'm not the only one but  I like to be respected and I like people who are trustworthy.

THANKS - MM - Aiken County Schools

Monday, December 10, 2012

Today I Heard A Lot of Stuff That I Need...

About what we hear about today....

Today I heard a lot of stuff that I needed. I think is help me a lot, it help me to stay away from violence.  I learned I should do the right thing. I should grow up to be a good person. And now I know that is not hard for you to grow up like a good person.

All you do is be yourself, you don't have to be a follower, do it your way, chose right choices. Be Strong. Trust in yourself. Go to college. Help out people. Thank about it before you do something.

If you grow up as a good person, you can help out the world help more and more people to grow as a good person. Then in the world there will not be anymore gangs, bad stuff happening. No more people will die just because stupid people do stupid stuff.

I know I am a smart person.....I WILL NOT GET INVOLVE INTO BAD STUFF!

CP - Aiken Schools

Sunday, December 9, 2012

I'm Glad That These Three Men Came To Our School

This presentation today was amazing!

I learned a lot of stuff about gangs that I really didn't know.  I think it will help me and anyone else in the assembly in the future. Each man had a different story and something else to say about the horrors of gangs and what they will do to you, and how to stay away from gangs.

It was cool that we had people that have actually been involved in stuff like that to come forward and share their stories was really touching.

What was really touching thing to me was the story of the little boy that was killed by his own gang. That hit me hard. Because he was my age, and just to know someone my age would be involved in that scares me.

I glad that these three men came to our school. They taught me, and I sure everyone else many valuable lessons.

DH - 11 years old boy - Aiken Schools 

Saturday, December 8, 2012

It Made Me Feel Sorry For The Families That Lost Someone To Gang Violence

Mr. Devon,

I never really knew gangs were that bad, but DANG!

It made me fell sorry for the families that lost someone to a gang violence. 

I want stop gangs everywhere. Knowing that guys and girls were involved because they did not have a sense of who there were and what they are capable of............

AM - Aiken, SC

Friday, December 7, 2012

You Can't Help No One That Don't Want To Help Themselves


Thank you for coming to Schofield Middle School. It really gave me a wake up call that its not a joke this stuff is real. Now I understand that you can't always get a second chance - only have one life to live.

I have a uncle and a brother that's in a gang. Its very scary to hear a gun shot and not knowing who got shot but knowing it could've been my uncle or brother. I really wish you would talk to them and give them a REALITY CHECK!

But you can't help no one that don't want to help themselves.......
Sincerely BW  - Aiken

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Your Presentation Really Showed Me To Respect Myself

Mr. Devon & Mr. Yannik,
Y'all presentation really show me to respect myself and to never affiliate w/gangs!

I also now realize how bad it is to be @ the wrong place @ the wrong time! I already knew that being around gangs was bad b/c of a personal situation my friends/brother went through.

I just want to let you know how much I appreciated the presentation!

Thank You! MW - 8th grade - Aiken, SC

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I Love How Loud You Were


The presentation was great! I love how loud you were. You can't go to sleep with all the noise. I also want to say thanks for using your time to come to Schofield Middle School and your real life stories. I also can tell you are very passion and thanks again.

Also tell the tall man with the nice polo shirt on I love Zaxbys too.  Also that his story was great. I had an uncle who went to prison for kidnapping when he got out of jail he tried to get out of the gang. The gang had shot and killed him and hid him behind a apartment complex in Augusta.

If I need a positive person person I will be excited to give you a call.

Thanks Full Circle Refuge, Inc.
From JW - Aiken

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

I Think That The Assembly Was The Bomb! (LOL!)

Dear Mr, Harris and Mr, McKie,

You guys really influenced me today on things I should and should't do. I think y'all did a really good job of explaining things, I think that y'all should come again and talk about more things that we should and shouldn't do.

The way you two explained things really got me to think about MY FUTURE. I've decided that I either want to be a Marine Biologist, a Lawyer, or an Designer.

THANK YOU for coming and talking about the wrong from the right. I really appreciate it. I hope I get to see you guys soon! I think that the assembly was the bomb (lol!) It was really awesome. I am definitely gonna go home and tell all 4 of my siblings what y'all taught me today. I hope that one day y'all will be able to tell them about what you taught me today.

One again thank you. :)  Sincerely -   A. S. Aiken County School - a middle school student

Monday, December 3, 2012

I Will Promise To Be One Less Teenager in the World Dead for Stupidity!

The overall presentation was excellent. It showed us the "real world" of what kind of society we could be apart of, I personally think what your group does is very, very important because you are giving children a chance to live by stopping them from doing the craziest things life has to offer. I felt very moved by it and I would enjoy hearing it again, because of what you said it wasn't "sugar-coated" and you didn't "beat around the bush". 

You told it how it was and that's why I love it! Gangs aren't anything but for people who feel like outcast. Sometimes I feel like an outcast because nobody talks to me or loves me, but I know somebody loves me. 

You''ll gave me a sense of love and I want to thank you for that. I learned that gangs aren't nothing but for babies that can't stand up like a real man and fight, they have to hide behind the false protection of their "homies".

I also learned never to fall into a path of destruction of violence, drugs, sex, money, and most importantly DEATH. Nobody wants to die like that. Well, I don't but some people have the nerve to die like that. If I were to die I would want to die for my friends, family, and my country. I want to be a soldier, veteran, or in the military and like you said, "I'm not gonna let somebody come and steal my dream. NOBODY is gonna come looking for me, I will STAND FOR ME, I will NOT JOIN A GANG and nobody can persuade me too.

Everything I learned from you'll today can will go to use for me. I will PROMISE TO BE ONE LESS TEENAGER IN THE WORLD DEAD FROM STUPIDITY, because I'm only 15 years old, I got a whole life ahead of me and nobody is going to take it!

THANK YOU AGAIN.  Sincerely,  S.S. - 8th grade Aiken Middle School - Aiken SC