Friday, December 21, 2012

Today I Learned How Gangs Can Be Very Dangerous.

Today I learned how gangs can be very dangerous.

After the assembly I learned not to join a gang. You can get killed or you can go to jail. You are expected to sell drugs if you are involved in a gang. If you don't do what your leader expects you to do you will get shot.

I also learned to not talk or take anything from people that either walk up to you and offer you something. Or if they ride by you in a car and offer you something. People think it is amazing to be in a gang. When really you could get hurt in it. Also to me, gangs mean a group of people who do things that change the world in positive or negative ways.

Everyone needs to know that gangs are bad. They expect you to do thing that you don't want to do. Or you could get killed or put in a jail or worse things could happen to you.

SH - Aiken Schools - Aiken SC

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