Monday, December 10, 2012

Today I Heard A Lot of Stuff That I Need...

About what we hear about today....

Today I heard a lot of stuff that I needed. I think is help me a lot, it help me to stay away from violence.  I learned I should do the right thing. I should grow up to be a good person. And now I know that is not hard for you to grow up like a good person.

All you do is be yourself, you don't have to be a follower, do it your way, chose right choices. Be Strong. Trust in yourself. Go to college. Help out people. Thank about it before you do something.

If you grow up as a good person, you can help out the world help more and more people to grow as a good person. Then in the world there will not be anymore gangs, bad stuff happening. No more people will die just because stupid people do stupid stuff.

I know I am a smart person.....I WILL NOT GET INVOLVE INTO BAD STUFF!

CP - Aiken Schools

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