Tuesday, December 4, 2012

I Think That The Assembly Was The Bomb! (LOL!)

Dear Mr, Harris and Mr, McKie,

You guys really influenced me today on things I should and should't do. I think y'all did a really good job of explaining things, I think that y'all should come again and talk about more things that we should and shouldn't do.

The way you two explained things really got me to think about MY FUTURE. I've decided that I either want to be a Marine Biologist, a Lawyer, or an Designer.

THANK YOU for coming and talking about the wrong from the right. I really appreciate it. I hope I get to see you guys soon! I think that the assembly was the bomb (lol!) It was really awesome. I am definitely gonna go home and tell all 4 of my siblings what y'all taught me today. I hope that one day y'all will be able to tell them about what you taught me today.

One again thank you. :)  Sincerely -   A. S. Aiken County School - a middle school student

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